Dublin City Schools, Ohio: Online File Manager Deployment
Closed     Case # 10023     Affiliated Job:  English Insider (Dublin City Schools, Ohio)
Opened:  Friday, August 15, 2008     Closed:  Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Total Hit Count:  24548     Last Hit:  Wednesday, March 12, 2025 4:12:07 AM
Unique Hit Count:  6791     Last Unique Hit:  Wednesday, March 12, 2025 4:12:07 AM
Case Type(s):  Development, Database, Server
Case Notes(s):  All cases are posted for review purposes only. Any implementations should be performed at your own risk.

englishinsider.com, a domain for a English Teacher with Dublin City Schools, requested development for a more advanced version of the OFM to be used in conjunction to a rating system towards contributions to a literary magazine, creative writing course and online file access to course curriculum with the students.

Action(s) Performed:
Total Action(s): 1
Action # Recorded Date Type Hit(s) User Expand Details
10084 2/18/2010 10:12:08 AM Development 3523 contact@danieljchu.com Some sample illustrations of the Online File Manager for English Insider ar  More ...

The adjustments to the customized requests are hosted by me and some illustrations are included above. The Teacher has integrated the OFM into his main site, offering access to the syllabus, electronically turning in assignments, electronically submitting contributions to the literary magazine and a rating system for the creative writing team to review these contributions.

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